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I write novels, eat dark chocolate, raise three children, love my husband, scrub toilets, ignore the laundry, and love a good story, but hardly ever in that order.



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Friday, February 5, 2016

Winter Fashion: I Have Concerns

I'm battling a raging sinus infection and you know what I'm wearing? An infinity scarf. In case you missed last week, we have an infinity scarf issue in our house. Marc is opposed; I am in favor. We aren't quite as heated about neckwear as we were about getting Mr. Trump out of our state Monday evening. I was pretty whipped up about that. Marc was, as is his nature, more measured in his language. This is why I love him. Also, he would never wear orange make-up or a hairpiece.
So I'm feeling sick and a little whiny and worried about the world. More specifically, I worry about tweens. Sure, I have the normal worries about drugs, sex, and rock-n-roll, but today I'm mostly worried about their winter apparel.

In short, tweens appear to be coat-adverse. They don't wear coats. They wear sweatshirts and flowy sweaters and flat-ironed hair but they do not wear coats.
(Don't get distracted by how cute these outfits are. Don't do it! I'm making a point!)

Sometimes we pass these shivering girls or boys (this no-coat thing is no respecter of gender), and Marc will erupt at the insanity of it all. "What are they thinking? It's fifteen degrees outside!" I will join him: "They don't look cool. They just look cold!" Even Thea will pipe in. "That girl is wearing leggings that don't even go to her ankles! She will probably get frostbite." "Aha!" Marc will add, triumphant. "Good, Thea! And what ankle looks pretty with black and purple dead flesh?!"

He tends to go just a wee bit too far. 

Nevertheless, we have planted this kind of propaganda into the minds and hearts of our children for years, and it's totally working. Our children wear coats. OK, Mitch not so much. But if he's sledding, he totally wears a coat! 

Ana is doing us proud as a tween in so many ways, not the least of which is her willingness to wear clothes in winter. She, like her father, loves to be warm. She loves her coat and wears it with pride. She also wears a stocking hat because she is a very smart young woman. (NOTE: I have purchased two infinity scarves for her. Smart + stylish = world changer.)

My throat hurts. And I'm feeling dizzy. That photo of The Donald isn't helping. Time for a nap. I, for one, will be dreaming of the day when junior highers wear warm clothes and vote responsibly, in that order. We can do it, America! 


  1. OMGoodness, I could not agree more. Dale drives me crazy with, " You drive me to and from school everyday, My sweatshirt is just fine." In his defenses it is super fuzzy inside and I do drive him. So I try not to get to upset. BUt today I watched a girl walk into school with short sleeves, SHORT SLEEVES I tell ya! Just bare, cold, purplish arms. And really cute UGG boots. My first thought was, what are her parents thinking. Then I looked to my very strong willed son and asked God and her parents to forgive me.

    1. This is too fantastic. "Bare, cold, purplish arms. And really cute UGG boots." Because purple flesh is totally cancelled out by stylish footwear. Stay strong, friend. Dale will be just fine. He's an awesome kid. :)

  2. On Monday, Moriah got out of the van and walked up the sidewalk to school at which point I noticed she was wearing capri leggings. Are you kidding me?!?! I hadn't been home as she got dressed and didn't see her clothing until that moment. I yelled out the window to her that I would be bringing pants for her when I came to volunteer. She pretended not to hear me. Came home, emailed her teacher, took pants to school. #forthelove Please have Thea share with Moriah the wisdom of ankles and frostbite that Marc has instilled in her. She will probably listen to Thea. As opposed to her irrational mom who won't let her wear capris in the middle of Iowa winter.

    1. Actually, it was Wednesday. Not Monday. As in THE DAY AFTER THE SNOW DAY. Carry on.

    2. Oh, Moriah. Not to be difficult, but she could totally pull that off. :) And I love it that she pretended not to hear you yelling. Love that girl.

  3. Every time I am at the middle school, I see boys and girls walking without coats. I kind of get it for the kids who get dropped off and picked up and spend a total of 30 seconds outside (kind of). But the kids who walk home! No way!
